Every business in the world is dumping content onto websites and social channels, into emails and newsletters and events, into sales decks and conference calls and shareholder updates.
For most customers, it's just a lot of noise.
71% of consumers don't get the customer engagement they expect*.
Why? Because it's never making it through the noise - the constant emails and updates and notifications and requests. Audiences are, at best, overwhelmed. The chances that they'll take the actions you're pushing for are slimmer every day.
Getting content marketing right in a high-competition, low-return environment means embracing the idea that what has always worked for you probably isn't going to work anymore. It's time to rethink the way you approach your content if you want to see more engagement.
10 ways to make your content (not your writers) work harder
Content that engages means content that drives revenue. Create it by:
Creating an emotional connection
Leveraging data to prove you actually know your customers
Avoiding marketing/industry jargon at all costs
Making the complex simple
Leaning into individualized (not just personalized) content
Meeting your audience on their terms
Lowering barriers to entry
Getting better at really listening
Saying less
Making next steps clear
This list is by no means exhaustive, but it's a good place to start when it comes to reinventing your approach to content. Think you've already got this down? It's time for some thought experiments:
Take off your employee hat and start looking at your content from an external lens.
Ask your writers what they'd be writing without the constraints you've given them.
Start A/B testing new content based on those thought experiments, and see what happens. Let us know how it goes.